ITA 2008

Joint International Scientific Events on


June 23 - July 03, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria)


Extended deadline -
                   March 01, 2008:

  submission of final paper by e-mail:

March 31, 2008:

  notification of the paper acceptance

April 30, 2008:

  submission of registration forms and visa application forms by e-mail: by e-mail:


Papers from members of ITHEA International Scientific Society (ITHEA ISS) will be preferably included in the events of ITA 2008. Membership of ITHEA ISS is free and may be done by registration at the

Papers need to be up to 8 pages in the format given in the sample sheet.

Papers accepted by the Program Committee will be published in the corresponded conference proceedings.

Proceedings of the ITA 2008 will be published in several separate numbers of the International Book Series "Information Science and Computing" (IBS ISC).

Note: The proceedings of the ITA 2008 conferences will be given for preprint processing at the 01.04.2008 and will be printed till the end of April 2008. Please take in account this very important information!

The best ideas personally presented by authors at the ITA 2008 will be invited for free publishing in English up to 8 A4 pages per idea in:

- the International Journal "Information Theories and Applications"® (IJ ITA)
- the International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge"® (IJ ITK).

The best surveys personally presented by authors at the ITA 2008 will be invited for free publishing in a separate numbers of the IBS ISC.


Submit papers and forms to: Krassimir Markov, e-mail:


Registration fee is composed by participation fee and publication fee.

Participation fee need to be paid for every person, who participate in the conference, nevertheless with or without paper.
Accompanying persons pay only participation fee.

Participation fee is EUROS 50. Participation fee for Bulgarian participants is 100 Levas.

Participation fee does not cover the price of the proceedings of the conference.

Publication fee need to be paid for every paper, included in the conference proceedings.

Publication fee is EUROS 150.

There are sponsored fees for papers of authors, which are members of PhD student, FSU and Bulgarian sections of ITHEA International Scientific Society (ITHEA ISS).

Publication fee for papers of authors, which are members of PhD student and FSU sections of ITHEA ISS is EUROS 50.

Publication fee for papers of authors, which are members of Bulgarian section of ITHEA ISS is 100 Levas.

Publication fee permit receiving one exemplar of the proceedings of the conference in which the paper has published.

Proceedings' prices:

Proceedings of the ITA 2008 will be published in several separate books of the IBS ISC.

One book of IBS ISC costs EURO 15. Please take into account that one conference may be published in more than one books.

Post expenses per book are EURO 15. Please, note that publication fee does not include post expenses.


For instance:

    Total: Publication fee: Participation fee:
Participant with one paper EURO 200 EURO 150 EURO 50
member of PhD student section of ITHEA ISS
with one paper EURO 100 EURO 50 EURO 50
member of FSU section of ITHEA ISS
with one paper EURO 100 EURO 50 EURO 50
member of Bulgarian section of ITHEA ISS
with one paper 200 Levas 100 Levas 100 Levas
Participant without paper EURO 50 --- EURO 50
member of PhD student section of ITHEA ISS
without paper EURO 50 --- EURO 50
member of FSU section of ITHEA ISS
without paper EURO 50 --- EURO 50
member of Bulgarian section of ITHEA ISS
without paper 100 Levas --- 100 Levas
Participant with two papers EURO 350 EURO 300 EURO 50
member of PhD student section of ITHEA ISS
with two papers EURO 150 EURO 100 EURO 50
member of FSU section of ITHEA ISS
with two papers EURO 150 EURO 100 EURO 50
member of Bulgarian section of ITHEA ISS
with two papers 300 Levas 200 Levas 100 Levas
Author, which can not participate at the conference with one paper EURO 150 EURO 150 ---
Author, which can not participate at the conference,
member of PhD student section of ITHEA ISS
with one paper EURO 50 EURO 50 ---
Author, which can not participate at the conference,
member of FSU section of ITHEA ISS
with one paper EURO 50 EURO 50 ---
Author, which can not participate at the conference,
member of Bulgarian section of ITHEA ISS
with one paper 100 Levas 100 Levas ---

Author, who not pay the publication fee, will be excluded from ITHEA ISS.


Bank accounts

The registration fee in EUROS should be paid to:

IBAN: BG 15 UNCR 7630 1475 7438 08
Bank name: UniCredit Bulbank AD
Bank address: 7 Sveta Nedelya Square, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Account holder: Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA

All bank commissions must be paid by the sender!

The corresponding bank may be any of:
     Credit Lyonnais, New York
     The Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
No additional information for corresponding bank is needed.

Registration fee in Bulgarian Levas should be paid to:

IBAN: BG 06 UNCR 7630 1076 6500 80
Bank name: UniCredit Bulbank AD
Bank address: 7 Sveta Nedelya Square, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Account holder: Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA

All bank commissions must be paid by the sender!


For contacts

Submit questions to:

Krassimir Markov
Post address: P.O.Box 775, 1090 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel. /fax: (++ 359 2) 920 19 69